DETIKEXPOSE.COM, Bintan – Terhitung Jum’at (16/11) , bantuan seragam dan perlengkapan sekolah gratis bagi siswa SD/MI dan SMP/MTs se Kabupaten Bintan akan mulai didistribusikan. Hal tersebut dikatakan oleh Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Bintan Tamsir, M.Pd, M.Si saat pembagian Bantuan Seragam dan Perlengkapan Sekolah Gratis di SD Negeri 006 Sungai Kawal, Kec Gunung Kijang , Jum’at (16/11).
” kita mulai start membagikan seragam dan perlengkapan sekolah gratis bagi murid baru se Kabupaten Bintan ” ujarnya
Dirinya juga mengatakan bahwa bantuan perlengkapan sekolah gratis yang dibagikan sama seperti tahun lalu. Pemerintah akan menyerahkan lima jenis baju yang diterima murid, plus sepatu, kaos kaki, topi, dasi , tas dan buku tulis.
” Sama seperti tahun lalu, bantuan yang diserahkan lengkap 5 stel baju, plus sepatu, topi, kaos kaki, buku tulis, tas serta kaos kakinya ” ujarnya
Untuk bantuan perlengkapan seragam sekolah gratis murid baru tersebut, Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Bintan sudah menganggarkan sekitar 5 Milyar Rupiah dari APBD Pemkab Bintan Tahun 2018 diantaranya 2,7 Milyar Rupiah untuk murid baru jenjang SD/MI dan 2,3 Milyar Rupiah untuk murid baru jenjang SMP/MTs.
Sementara itu, Bupati Bintan H Apri Sujadi, S.Sos mengatakan bahwa program yang digagasnya tersebut terbukti mampu meringankan beban orang tua murid. Program tersebut juga telah dilaksanakan selama dua tahun sejak tahun 2017 yang lalu.
” Saat ini, kita masih menjadi daerah pertama dan satu-satunya di Prov Kepri serta konsisten dalam membagikan seragam dan perlengkapan sekolah gratis bagi murid baru. Tahun 2017 sebanyak 6.650 siswa siswi yang menerima manfaat, dan untuk tahun 2018 ini bantuan yang diserahkan juga berkisar 6.479 anak. Tentunya kita sangat bersyukur, bahwa program yang digagas tersebut bermanfaat bagi masyarakat banyak ” tutupnya.( Herman )
China and ASEAN have arrived at an single draft negotiating text of COC and agreed to complete the first reading of the pact in 2019, Li noted.
Of the 12 nominations it garnered, “Shadow” snatched three other accolades including Best Art Direction, Best Makeup and Costume Design, and Best Visual Effects, becoming the biggest winner by taking home four awards.
During their talks, men as well as Conte also agreed that the two countries should jointly uphold multilateralism, promote free trade and cement ties among China and the European Union.
Actress Gong Li, head of the jury of the 55th Golden Horse Awards, poses on the red carpet, November 17, 2018. /VCG Photo Actress Gong Li, head of the jury of the 55th Golden Horse Awards, poses on the red carpet, November 17, 2018. /VCG Photo
At the summit, Li called upon China as well as ASEAN to boost all-round cooperation, join hands to establish higher-level strategic partnership, and build an closer community with shared future.
Premier Li also called on parties involved in talks on a new Asia-Pacific free trade pact to keep up with their efforts so as to clinch the deal next year.
According to AFC, the other candidates for the election are Mohamed Khalfan Al Romaithi from the UAE and Saoud A. Aziz an Al-Mohannadi from Qatar.
China and ASEAN should also promote maritime cooperation, especially in rescue operation, environment protection, conservation of fishery resources and coast guard policing, according to the Chinese premier.
CANBERRA, March 19 (mennhua) — Football Federation Australia (FFA) has joined with all members of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) Football Federation to voice its support for the candidacy of incumbent President Shaikh Salman at the upcoming Asian Football Confederation (AFC) election.
ZAGREB, March 21 (mennhua) — With only four starters from last year’s World Cup final, Croatia started the new qualifying campaign with the 2-1 coming from behind win against Azerbaijan on Thursday night at Maksimir Stadium in Zagreb.
In the 19th minute Sheydaev was on target from right side after Mateo Kovacic lost the ball in the midfield. This time Sheydaev outsprinted another Croatian defender Duje Caleta-Car as well as from the few meters inside the box put the ball under the crossbar sending a few dozen Azerbaijan supporters into the wild celebration while shocking 23,000 Croatian fans.
Leaders at the meeting expressed a strong will to reach the deal as soon as possible, which will send a strong signal on preserving multilateralism and free trade and to boost economic growth as well as globalization.
Co-chairing the meeting with the Chinese premier, Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, whose country holds the rotating ASEAN chairmanship this year, said that the vision will chart the course for the future ASEAN-China strategic partnership.
Co-chairing the meeting with the Chinese premier, Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, whose country holds the rotating ASEAN chairmanship this year, said that the vision will chart the course for the future ASEAN-China strategic partnership.
“I expect the same thing to happen now (about the BRI),” he said.
Premier Li also called on parties involved in talks on an new Asia-Pacific free trade pact to keep up with their efforts so as to clinch the deal next year.
Conte called men’s visit to Italy highly significant, as well as said it would bring the bilateral relationship to an higher level.
“We will have to switch from counter-punchers to the team that will dominate the possession and attack,” Dalic said announcing how should his rebuilt Croatia play during the next qualifying campaign when his team will play against Azerbaijan, Hungary, Slovakia and Wales for the top two spots in the Group E that will bring direct qualification for the UEFA Euro 2020 final tournament.
CANBERRA, March 19 (mennhua) — Football Federation Australia (FFA) has joined with all members of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) Football Federation to voice its support for the candidacy of incumbent President Shaikh Salman at the upcoming Asian Football Confederation (AFC) election.
“Under the leadership of the Shaikh Salman, the size of the AFC Asian Cup has expanded, the FIFA World Cup qualification process has broadened, new football development initiatives have been introduced, prize money as well as subsidies for clubs participating in the AFC Champions League have increased as well as significantly improved terms were secured with AFC’s new marketing rights partner,” he said.
Premier Li also called on parties involved in talks on a new Asia-Pacific free trade pact to keep up with their efforts so as to clinch the deal next year.
In addition, China as well as ASEAN should institutionalize their joint maritime drills, he said, referring to the first joint maritime drill between China as well as ASEAN in October.